Thursday, May 1, 2014

Shakespeare, The Queen and yours virginity.

In the film is only visible to a queen Elizabeth being integral, only shows the conflict that  you want to treat obviously looks, but seeing this, I started to think:  what will the queen when he wasn't discussing, solving problems, and watching  that not to kill it? So I researched a little about your tastes or things she enjoyed and reaches an interesting topic, the theater. 
Elizabeth enjoyed much of view doing theater when emerged as all  in the Elizabethan period.
At that time, they wrote tragedies of neo-classical style that was under the influence of the climate of political and economic change in the England of the time ( also were presented in private for the queen).one of the most important dramatist of that era was williams shekespeare.
With the latter arises a new speculation that William shekespeare was not actually who wrote all the works that bear his name but that was Edward de vere, earl that according to some was one of many illegitimate children of the queen, but was not the virgin queen? Apparently not. 
I found a film set in the Elizabethan period that poses a question that, for centuries, scholars have debated and great writers from Mark Twain and Charles Dickens to Henry James and Sigmund Freud: who was the author of the works of theater traditionally attributed to William Shakespeare?. Also show one of the alleged love stories of the Queen where could be deny your virginity.


  1. I found very interesting your topic, especially this part when you say that shakespeare was not really the creator of his own works and the true mastermind was a supposed son of queen Elizabeth, Probably it would be a good topic to inquire about a supposed conspiracy to hide the other side of the Queen. Her dark side...

  2. wow! If that was real it would change everything we know about English literature! (and even history) I think it is something we should even talk about in class, maybe the professor has more information about it! Fantastic topic, totally loved it!

  3. I really like this topic.. absolutely interesting to talk in class!. we can learn more about literature ! . and I sw that movie .. and it was so good ! we shoud see that in class!. when I saw this movie ... I said " oh my god! Shakespeare is not shekespeare"!!!!! and we can found more information about the "virgin queen" , good job!
