Friday, May 2, 2014

Different country, diverse people and diversify custom.

We live in a world full of attractions, new things to see and to learn. Most of the time we don't see them because we are too busy working, studying or doing house work, so we have no time to even think if we want to travel or not.
In the maps presentation, I was able to learn lots of things from other countries that i didn't knew, and that experience gave me eager to travel, to see different places, to live with people and learn from them; the way they see life, the way for them to think and solve problems, to see people laugh and laugh with them and remind us that no matter where in the world we are, we will always be able to see people smile and yet, we will always be able to smile. I realized that we all feel, laugh and cry, also that prejudice it’s no good and we all should give the time to know people around us because in each one of them are endless things you can learn and teach at the same time.

Today we live in a world in which we tend to generalize  people a lot, but we forget that we are individuals that perceives things differently and therefore cannot all be treated equally. Just like what we had read in the guide of culture as an iceberg, where it is written textually: "Only the tip of the iceberg is visible - in this case, expressions of culture like language, food, clothing, literature, films, etc. Below the water are the underlying attitudes, beliefs, values and meanings - much more difficult to perceive, detect and define". So let’s start knowing the person beside us, let's give us the time to learn and appreciate the ones around us. 


  1. You're right. We always make generalizations about people without know how they see themselves.

    Now, I also learned a lot with maps` activity, and I think you had a great idea about travelling. Great job!

  2. I agree, I have met people of many places and I think we have to learn about them, the differences between us, make us specials. Also, when we do stereotypes about people of other countries, they usually make the same with us, so we have to stop that, do the example for other people, because we can't talk about all of them if we know just one person. Great post! ^ ^
