Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dreamtime of the Aborigines.

Long, long ago, before the Dreamtime, before the time could be counted, the world had no shape; it was soft and wobbly. Then, at the beginning of the Dreamtime, Warramurrungundji came out of the sea. A female being in human form, she created the land and gave birth to the people. She gave them their languages. Other creator being came - Ginga, the giant ancestral crocodile, made the rock country; Marrawuti, the sea eagle, brought water lilies in his claws and planted them on the floodplain. Once the great spirit ancestors had completed their creative acts, they put themselves into the landscape, where they remain to this day. Warramurrungundji is a white rock in the woodland, Ginga is a rock outcrop textured like a crocodile's back. These places are called Dreaming sites and still contain the power and energy of the Dreamtime. (...)when the ancestral beings had completed their creation, they told the people: "Now we have done these things, you make sure they remain like this for all time. You must not change anything."

This is an extract from the text that we had to read, "Dreamtime". The dreamtime is the force that keeps everything in harmony; the man, the nature, the animals, among others. All of them living as one, yet it has many ways of being represented. 

The next video shows us what the Dreamtime is for the aborigines, the different ways of how it is represented, between other things.

As shown in the video, the dreams are another way where the dreamtime can occur. 

This painting is a story that comes from a dream: a Dreaming story.

Now, I give you a question:

Does the white man have something similar to the Dreamtime? 

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