Thursday, March 27, 2014

Let's act with love.

I chose this song over the others because the message delivered is very powerful and really complete because it talks about everything, as wars, people's decisions and choices,  the influence of the media and the bad things they show,  questioning at the same time "where is the love", "whatever happened to the values of humanity". most of the time we do not realize how much we can hurt someone whith a simple word or expression or even with an action. That's why i think this song is so good, because it helps us to be awaken, to ask if we are acting properly or not. That was what they wanted, that we inquire, that's why they put so many question marks as technique to draw our attention.
I think everyone can interpret different messages because all of us have diverse life's stories that make us how we are, but at the end we are all the same so let's act as one. Let's make things be different, that is the idea of the song, do something, the world is too bad already and there are too many bad things happening, "Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity". So, just like the song says,  "we only got one world". Therefore we need to start being conscious by the world around us and start doing small thing to help the change.

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